News & Events

Highest Number of Housing Discrimination Complaints to Date Nationally

 Latest findings underscore the need for more robust funding for local fair housing enforcement organizations to create sustainability for non-profit private agencies obtaining relief for victims of housing discrimination.

Washington, D.C. —The National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA) — of which Long Island Housing Services, Inc. (LIHS) is a member — released data showing that the number of housing discrimination complaints rose to more than 33,000 nationwide last year, the highest on record. In a troubling turn, domestic violence related complaints saw a noticeable increase along with complaints based on source of income, according to new data published in the latest Fair Housing Trends Report. (more…)

Housing Discrimination Rights training including arrests and convictions 9/20/2023

Capacitación sobre derechos contra la discriminación en vivienda incluyendo arrestos y condenas

This FREE training will educate the general public on how to recognize fair housing violations under New York State Human Rights Law and the Federal Fair Housing Act. This training may teach you to recognize discrimination against individuals with prior criminal convictions and/or prior arrests. With this training, we will cover a discussion on how to document and report housing discrimination. This webinar will also provide you with training on source of income discrimination, sex discrimination (harassment and gender), familial status discrimination, disability discrimination, and other prohibited basis. It will also include a discussion on how to appeal a denial of housing based on prior convictions and/or prior arrests. This training will provide ASL  and Spanish interpretation services. (more…)

Let Elderly Tenants know they are not on their own

You can protect vulnerable tenants

I’d like to tell you about an elderly couple on a fixed income that spoke with a LIHS HUD-certified Housing Counselor, Alisa Drinkwater. (more…)

First the TRAIN, now the BUS . . .

Long Island Housing Services Executive Director Ian Wilder standing in front of a fair housing poster at a bus shelter

. . . and always HOUSING


Gov Hochul meets LI Pro Homes Advocates

Governor Kathy Hochul meets with Ian Wilder, Executive Director of Long Island Housing Services, and other LI Pro Homes advocates (more…)

Brookhaven Real Estate Company Agrees to Settle Complaints of Source of Income and Disability Discrimination

The Long Island Housing Services (LIHS) settlement of a Source of Income and Disability Discrimination complaint against H&G Realty originated with an investigation of New Highway Apartments. H&G Realty has offices in Middle Island and Miller Place, New York. (more…)

4/26/2023 Fair Housing training

April is Fair Housing Month! Housing Discrimination is Illegal!!

Learn about Your Fair Housing and Tenant’s Rights!!

The Federal Fair Housing Act (New York State and local human rights laws) prohibits housing suppliers from discrimination and that includes COVID-19 (CORONAVIRUS.

It is a FAIR HOUSING VIOLATION to be treated differently or unfairly in housing if it is suspected that you have/had Coronavirus.  It is a FAIR HOUSING VIOLATION if someone refuses to rent or evict you because they believe that based on your race, national origin, or disability, you will become ill from the Coronavirus in the future.

Event Description This FREE training will empower ALL individuals, including survivors/victims of domestic violence and homeless individuals to recognize fair housing violations.  This training will also teach you how to document and report allegations of housing discrimination.  This Fair Housing training will cover a brief discussion on sex discrimination (harassment and gender), familial status discrimination, disability discrimination, COVID-19 as it relates to disability discrimination in housing, and other prohibited basis.  The training will also include a brief discussion about Tenants’ Rights. 

April is Fair Housing and Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

When:  April 26, 2023 (11:00 am – 12:30 pm)

Where:  Virtual Fair Housing Training via Zoom

Register in advance for this webinar:

Long Island Housing Services is a civil rights 501c3 nonprofit focused on fair housing. The Fair Housing enforcement and advocacy work for this training is supported through a grant from the Fair Housing Initiatives Program (American Rescue Plan) of the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development.  More information about our agency can be found at

Questions can be addressed to or 631-567-5111 ext. 375                                                                                                                           

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