Arrestees Fair Housing Protections

Effective July 11, 2019, prior arrest protections were extended to housing.

Over the last 25 years, mass incarceration and disproportionate arrests have led to hundreds of thousands of people being permanently locked out of opportunities such as voting, accessing jobs and/or housing.

Thanks to a newly passed expansion to the New York State Human Rights Law, the New York State Division of Human Rights now have the ability to investigate and prosecute any allegation where someone has been denied housing due to having an arrest record resolved in their favor, an adjournment in contemplation of dismissal, a sealed conviction record, or a youthful offender adjudication.

Protections for People with Arrest Records Resolved in their Favor, Sealed Records, and Youthful Offender Adjudications, or People Convicted of Criminal Offenses Download PdfEnglish  Download PdfEspañol

This protection is aimed at strengthening efforts towards fair housing, preventing homelessness and housing insecurity for thousands of individuals and families in New York State. Increasing access to housing is correlated to economic stability, better health, higher education, and impacts the structure of neighborhoods and communities.

For more information read “Protections for People with Arrest Records Resolved in their Favor, Sealed Records, and Youthful Offender Adjudications, or People Convicted of Criminal Offenses” available in English and Spanish on the New York State Division of Human Rights website. You can also file a complaint now.

If you believe that you have been discriminated against in seeking housing, please call Long Island Housing Services at 631-567-5111 ext. 375 to speak to a trained Fair Housing Investigator or Advocate or email

Si usted cree que ha sido discriminado al buscar vivienda, llame a Long Island Housing Services al 631-567-5111 ext. 378 para hablar con un investigador o defensor de vivienda justa capacitado. También puede enviar un correo electrónico a