Civil Rights, Fair Housing – Advocacy, Enforcement
- Fair Housing Legal-size Poster Long Island Housing Services 2024 Fair Housing poster/ ¿Qué es Vivienda Justa? ESPAÑOL 2020 LIHS poster 11×17 or 8.5 x11 color / 什么是公平住房?海报 / Afich Lojman Jis Poster Haitian Creole Sept 2024
- Fair Housing Guidebook LIHS Fair Housing Guide Book English 10.11.24/ LIHS Vivenda Justa Guidebook Espanol 8-2024 / LIHS 公平住房权利指南 Guidebook Chinese 3-2023 / LIHS Gid Dwa Lojman Ekitab Guidebook Creole 3-2023.
- Sample Non-Discrimination Policy (Word) Sample Non-Discrimination Policy PDF
- Sample Source of Income Policy PDF Sample Source of Income Policy (Word)
- Fair Housing PowerPoint Long Island Housing Services Fair Housing Training PowerPoint for 2024-2025
- 20 Ways to Fight Housing Discrimination, Touro Law Review, Vol. 38: No. 2, Article 7, 2022
- Fair Housing for Young Adults, arm young people with the ability to recognize, prevent, and eradicate discrimination BEFORE they begin interacting with housing providers as adults.
- Suffolk Country Fair Housing Task Force Report , 2021
- A Blue Ocean Strategy for Real Estate Agents Focused on Fair Housing Powerpoint and video: How to do well by doing good
- Long Island Housing Services Fair Lending 101 Training
- Long Island Housing Service Source of income trifold – English / Long Island Housing Services Discriminación por la Fuente de Ingresos – ESPAÑOL
- Know Your Fair Housing Rights Flier/¡Conozca sus Derechos de Vivenda Justa!- English. & Español
- FAIR HOUSING Equal Opportunity for All HUD booklet (pdf)/EQUIDAD EN LA VIVIENDA Igualdad de Oportunidades para Todos/ 公平住宅向所有人提供平等的機會/ LOJMAN JIST Opòrtinite egal pou tou moun
- Are You A Victim of Housing Discrimination HUD Reporting form (pdf) / Es usted unaVíctima de la Discriminación en la VIVIENDA? / 您是住宅 歧視受害者嗎? / Èske ou se yonViktim DISKRIMINASYON NANLOJMAN?
- Assessing Claims of Housing Discrimination against Victims of Domestic Violence under the Fair Housing Act (FHAct) and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) (pdf) / las Reclamaciones de Discriminación en la Vivienda en contra de las Víctimas de la Violencia Doméstica bajo la Ley de Equidad en la Vivienda [Fair Housing Act] (FHAct) y la Ley de Violencia contra las Mujeres [Violencia contra las Women Act] (VAWA) / 根據《公平住房法》(Fair Housing Act,FHAct)和《遏止侵害婦女暴力行為法》(Violence Against Women Act,VAWA)評估家庭暴力受害者遭受住房歧視的指控 /
- HUD Fair Housing Act Familial Status Protections Fact Sheet
- An Uneven Road to Recovery New Findings on Race, Place & Mortgage Lending on Long Island (December 2014)
- Tri Fold Rescue Scams/Tri Fold Estafa de Rescate de Embargo Hipotecario – Español
- New York State Division of Human Rights Fair Housing Guide
- HUD DOJ Joint Statement Reasonable Accommodation
- HUD DOJ Joint Statement on Reasonable Modification
- HUD Memo on Application of Fair Housing Act Standards to the Use of Criminal Records by Providers of Housing and Real Estate–Related Transactions
- DOJ-HUD Joint Statement Group Homes, Land Use & Zoning
- HUD-DOJ Joint Statement-Accessibility-4-30-13
- Limited English Proficiency-KYR.DOJ Guidance-Right to Language Access
- A Tribute to Dr. King: Moving the Fair Housing Act Forward.
- Training and educational programs are available for small and large groups in English and Spanish.
- Fair Housing Center of Central Indiana resources on Appraisal discrimination, Lending discrimination, and Sales Discrimination
Coping with the Stress of Housing Insecurity
- Toolkit for Trauma-informed housing
- Video on Housing Affordability Breakthrough Challenge: Designing Trauma-Resilient Communities
- 5 Things You Should Know About Stress (pdf)
- Helping Children and Adolescents Cope with Disasters and Other Traumatic Events: What Parents, Rescue Workers, and the Community Can Do / En Español (pdf)
- Coping with Traumatic Events (pdf)
- Coping with a Traumatic Event (pdf)
- Tips for Survivors of a Disaster or Other Traumatic Event: COPING WITH RETRAUMATIZATION(pdf)
- Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Certified Therapist Finder
- Association for Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Therapist Finder (search by Zip code, radius, & specialization)
Federal, New York State and local Fair Housing Laws
- Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 (Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act as amended in 1988)
- New York State Human Rights Law – New York State Executive Law, Article 15, Sec. 296 et. seq.
- Nassau County Human Rights Law – Local Law 9-2006
- Suffolk County Human Rights Law – Local Law 51-2006 -Amended Chapter 528 of SC Code eff. 1-21-15
Resources related to Federal, New York State and local Fair Housing Laws
- FHIP Testing and Enforcement Activities AAS Memo Final, 8.2.2021
- 24 CFR Part 100 Implementing Regulations- Federal Fair Housing Act –Discriminatory Conduct
- Discriminatory Advertising Law Excerpt New York State & Federal Regulations Implementing FHAA of 1988-Title VIII
- Housing Providers Obligations Under NYSHRL
- NYSDHR-amended Sect.296.18DEPARTMENTAL #177 MEMO
- NYSAG CR Bureau Fair Housing Trifold
- NYS RPL 235-f and general information about LIHS services
- Suffolk Police Commissioner Order 92-1 & NYS RPL Section 235.1 – Illegal Eviction Action = Criminal Violation
- NYS RPL Sec. 236 & 237-Prohibits Discrimination Against Children
- Fair Housing Laws protect Immigrants, Refugees, and People of all Religious Faiths
Additional New York State Fair Housing Protection Resources
- Age Discrimination English Español , 한국어 번역 , русский язык , 中文翻譯 , বাংলা অনুবাদ , Italiano , Kreyòl Ayisyen , język polski , and FrançaisDiscrimination Based Upon Military Status and Against Veterans with Disabilities
- Protections for People with Arrest Records Resolved in their Favor, Sealed Records, and Youthful Offender Adjudications, or People Convicted of Criminal Offenses
- Know Your Rights: New York State’s Anti-Discrimination Policy When Assessing Justice-Involved Applicants for State-Funded Housing English Also Available in: তোমার অধিকার সম্পর্কে জান (Bengali), 知道你的權益 (Chinese), Konnen dwa ou (Haitian Creole), 귀하의 권리를 알고 (Korean), Знай свои права (Russian), Conozca Tus Derechos (Spanish), اعرف حقوقك (Arabic), Conosci i tuoi diritti (Italian), ווייס דיינע רעכטן (Yiddish), Poznaj swoje prawa (Polish), اپنے حقوق جانو (Urdu), Connais tes droits (French)
- Source of Income Discrimination
Gender Identity Discrimination Guidance
Gender Identity Discrimination
Discrimination Based on Gender Identity or Expression (Brochure)
- Protections Against Gender Identity Discrimination
- HIV/AIDS Discrimination
- Sexual Orientation Discrimination
- 9 NYCCR 466.13 Discrimination on the basis of gender identity
(Printable Version)
Overcoming Segregation
- Expanding Opportunity for All: Topline Messaging for HUD’s Proposed Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule
- Increasing the Supply of New Affordable Housing Toolkit
- Building Inclusive Communities: A Planning Guide for Fair Housing Organizations
- Expanding Opportunity for All: Topline Messaging for HUD’s Proposed Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule
- State and Local Housing Decommodification Efforts and Their Implications for Federal Policy
- HMDA Longitudinal Map
- Housing Supply Accelerator Playbook
- Map of NYS Pro-Housing communities
- Fair Housing Planning Toolkit. A How-To Guide for HUD Program Participants
- Redress Movement Policy Toolbox
- “Ending American Apartheid: How Cities Achieve and Maintain Racial Diversity,” a chapter in African Americans in Urban America: Contemporary Experiences, Wendy Kellogg, ed., Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1996, pages 180–200. Originally published under the title “Racially Diverse Communities: A National Necessity” as a chapter in Challenging Uneven Development: An Urban Agenda for the 1990s, Phillip Nyden and Wim Wiewel, eds., Rutgers University Press, 1991, pp. 49–84. The document here is the full, slightly updated monograph which had been condensed for both books.
- “Oak Park: Integration Takes More Than a Racial Quota,” in Planning, April/May 1974, pp. 14–17.
- Closing the Divide, Creating Equitable, Inclusive, and Affordable Communities: A Five-Year Progress Report (pdf)
- Long Island Zoning Atlas
- ERASE Racism’ Affordable and Inclusive Housing Tool
- Expanding Affordable Housing Opportunities: Zoning and Land Use Case Studies
- Resources for Redressing Segregation: Data, toolkits, guidance, and more to support local actions to challenge racial segregation
- Four Elements of a Successful Housing Task Force: Lessons from the Montana Miracle
- Fair Housing Planning Toolkit: A How-To Guide for HUD Program Participants
- HUD Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) resources
- Lessons from the Ground: Best Practices in Fair Housing Planning
- Land Use Regulation and Approval Reforms
- We Won’t Achieve School Equity if We Don’t Tackle Housing Segregation: “Integrating Housing and Education Solutions to Reduce Segregation and Drive School Equity”
- Community Engagement Toolkit: Building Purpose and Participation
- Pro-Housing Land Use and Zoning Reforms (pdf) HUD Policy and Practice
- Exclusionary Zoning in Onondaga County, February 2023
- Reaffirming the Federal Commitment to Fair Housing: Lessons from California in Implementing AFFH
- Federal and State Dollars Could Be Used to Force Change in Exclusionary Towns
- The Chetty Team’s Social Capital Findings: A Timely Boost for Mixed-Income Development
- Zoning Reform Tracker
- Report Shows School Segregation in New York Remains Worst in Nation
- Most to Least Segregated Metro Regions
- Untapped Housing Solutions: ADUs and Conversions
- Schelling’s model of segregation
- Data and Fair Housing Planning: AFFH-T Video Series
- What is a Special Purpose Credit Program?
- Ending American Apartheid: How Cities Achieve and Maintain Racial Diversity
- 2022 Report of the Welfare to Work Commission of the Suffolk County Legislature
- 20 Ways to Fight Housing Discrimination by Ian Wilder, Touro Law Review, Vol. 38: No. 2 (2022), Article 7
- How Some Cities Reverse Segregation
- The Integration Success Stories
- Three Local Policy Innovations that Promote Inclusive, Equitable Mixed-Income Communities
- The Making of Reston and Columbia: Reston, Va., and Columbia, Md., were founded in the 1960s with similar visions for inclusive, connected communities
- The Opportunity Atlas Which neighborhoods in America offer children the best chance at a better life than their parents?
- Sara Pratt, Civil Rights Strategies To Increase Mobility, 127 Yale L.J. F. 498 (2017)
- Rezoning History: Influential Minneapolis Policy Shift Links Affordability, Equity
- Confronting Racism in Zoning
- Ending Exclusionary Zoning in New York City’s Suburbs
- Measuring Exclusionary Zoning in the Suburbs
- How States Can Affirmatively Further Fair Housing: Key Leverage Points and Best Practices
Appraisal Resources
Education Resources on Housing Discrimination
Housing Providers’ Use of Criminal Records
Fair Housing (Civil Rights) Reading (Media) Lists
Information and Resources
- Restoring Neighborhoods-NYS 2016 Zombie Property and Foreclosure Prevention Act 7-13-16
- NYSDFS Tenant rights in foreclosed properties/Inquilinos en Bienes Adjudicados: Lo Que usted Debe Saber – Español
- NYCPLR.Rule 3408 Eff. 12-20-16-Mandatory Settlement Conf-ResidentialForeclosureActions
- An Uneven Road To Recovery-New Findings on Race, Place & Mortgage Lending on LI
Special fair housing provisions for people with disabilities:
U.S. Departments of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Department of Justice (DOJ)
- HUD-DOJ Joint Statement on Reasonable Accommodation
- HUD-DOJ Joint Statement on Reasonable Modifications
- National Fair Housing Alliance
- NYS Human Rights Law
- NYS Attorney General’s Tenant’s Rights Guide
- Nassau County Human Rights Law (Pertaining to Housing)
- Suffolk County Human Rights Law (Pertaining to Housing)
- Don’t Allow This To Happen To You!/No Permita Que Esto Le Suceda! [Youtube}
- Analysis of the Long Island Workforce Housing Act
Consumer Protection, Fair Lending, and Social Justice
- Download “An Uneven Road to Recovery” report
- New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG) Small Claims Court Advocacy Center
- New Yorkers for Responsible Lending (NYRL)
- National Consume Law Center
- National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC)
- There are simple steps that you can take to avoid and report rental scams.
Need for Affordable Housing:
- National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC)
- NLIHC’s “Out of Reach” Report links area cost of living to minimum required hourly wage to afford “fair market 2 BR rent”
- NLIHC and National Housing Trust Fund
- Institute for Attainable Homes
- National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA)
- NY Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG) Small Claims Court Advocacy
- New Yorkers for Responsible Lending (NYRL)
- National Consumer Law Center (NCLC)
- National Community Reinvestment Coalition
Housing, Advocacy, Economic Assistance, Local Nonprofit & Government Resources
- PSEG Long Island
- Be Ready LI Disaster Preparedness
- Accessible Rental Units
- ERASE Racism (NY)
- Nassau-Suffolk Law Services, Committee, Inc.
- Long Island Coalition for the Homeless
- Nassau County Dept. of Social Services
- Suffolk County Dept. of Social Services
- HUD Section 8 (aka Housing Choice Voucher Program)
- HUD-approved Housing Counseling Agencies
- Suffolk Independent Living Organization, Inc. (SILO)
- Long Island Center for Independent Living (LICIL)
- Economic Opportunity Council (EOC)
- Health & Welfare Council
- Community Development Corporation of Long Island (CDC) Administers Section 8 & Home Ownership Program
- Long Island Housing Partnership (LIHP) Administers Home Ownership Program
- Community Housing Innovations, Inc. (CHI) Administers Home Ownership Program
- Visitability – An Inclusive Design Approach for Housing
- Bed Bugs in Service Workshop
NYS Attorney General Guidance:
- Tenants Rights guidebook in 7 languages Spanish English Bengali Korean Chinese Creole Russian
- Changes to New York State Rent Law This booklet details some of the most important changes recently made to rent law in 2019 that directly impacts tenants across New York State.
- Immigrant Tenant Rights Discusses the rights of immigrant tenants in New York, and provides resources for more information and guidance.
- Tenant Harassment
- Guidance to Law Enforcement on Illegal Lockouts
Websites that list housing availability
- rental property search
- New York is a FREE public service provided by New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR).
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Rental Assistance Listings
- Community Development Corporation of Long Island Rental Listings
- Multiple Listing Service Rental Listings
- 211 Long Island (Go to directory of services, click on basic needs, click on housing/shelter)
- Senior Housing Net
*You have to allow your location to be seen on your computer for the app to work correctly. This will bring you up to the resource locator boxes. -
Domestic Violence Housing Resources
- The Retreat Shelter is a shelter located on the east end of Long Island that assists women and children that are victims of domestic violence. Other services are offered including advocacy, counseling, a hotline, etc.
- The Safe Center
Emergency Housing/Transitional Housing Resources. There are a number of shelters in Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Individuals and families must go through the Suffolk or Nassau County Department of Social Services for emergency/transitional housing.
- Dept of Social Services, Suffolk Department of Social Services Suffolk After Hours Emergency Housing- (631)854-9100
- Department of Social Services- Nassau After Hours Emergency Housing- (516) 573-8626
Persons with Disabilities Housing Resources
- Suffolk Independent Living Organization (SILO) provides advocacy for the disabled. SILO is the lead agency for the Nursing Home Transition and Diversion Waiver Program. The NHTD program is targeted at individuals either already in nursing homes and wanting to return to their community or those being considered for nursing home placement but who would prefer to avoid institutional care and remain in their own homes. SILO also provides information, advice, and assistance related to securing and/or retaining housing or shelter, including existing accessible housing.
- Single Point of Access (SPA) coordinates referrals for adult mental health housing in the community.
Mental Health Housing in the Community (MICA) Housing Resources
- Directory of Suffolk County Abuse Prevention, Treatment, & Recovery Services- Scroll down to the “Click here” link. It provides names and contact information of various addiction treatment agencies in Suffolk County that offers various services, including housing.
- Long Island Teen Challenge provides aid, support, and residential care to men, women, and families suffering with life controlling problems with drugs, alcohol, or crime.
- We provide info on affordable apartments, low income apartments, HUD apartments, Section 8 apartments, non- profit housing assistance offices, housing authorities, public housing apartments, LIHTC properties (Low Income Tax Credit Housing – is a tax credit subsidy for private developers to provide more low income housing). We also provide a rental assistance section to the website. This is a list of resources that can provide assistance for renters to help them pay their rent. This is state-wide.
**NOTE: The information provided here is for information purposes only and Long Island Housing Services Inc. makes no representation as to the accuracy, qualifications or the application process of the outside services or programs offered.**
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