Great news! Long Island Housing Services , Inc. just earned the GuideStar Platinum Seal of Transparency from the world’s largest source of nonprofit information. By sharing the metrics listed below, we’re helping the nonprofit sector move beyond simplistic financial ratios to assess nonprofit progress.
GuideStar Platinum Seal allows Donors to Focus on Progress and Results
- Number of clients counseled on Tenant’s Rights,
- Number of homeowners facing foreclosure counseled on their options,
- Number of clients provided free foreclosure prevention legal services,
- Number of allegations of unlawful housing discrimination in rentals, sales, lending and advertising cases resulting in formal enforcement actions investigated,
- Number of complaints facilitated with United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and/or the New York State Division of Human Rights or local Human Rights Commission after investigations revealed evidence to pursue enforcement, and
- Number of foreclosure rescue scam victims assisted
to represent how hard Long Island Housing Services is working toward achieving our mission.
We’re proud to use GuideStar Platinum to share our full and complete story with the world. To reach the Platinum level, we added extensive information to our Nonprofit Profile: basic contact and organizational information; in-depth financial information; quantitative information about goals, strategies, and progress toward our mission.To learn more about GuideStar Platinum go to . To learn more about GuideStar, watch their short video:
About GuideStar Nonprofit Profiles
The GuideStar database contains a profile for every tax-exempt nonprofit registered with the IRS. GuideStar encourages every nonprofit to claim and update its profile at no cost to the organization. Updating allows nonprofits to share a wealth of up-to-date information with the more than 7 million people who visit GuideStar to learn more about nonprofit organizations each year. Updating also allows nonprofits to share information with the more than 180 philanthropic websites and applications that are powered by GuideStar data. To reach a given participation level, organizations need to complete all required fields for that participation level. The GuideStar participation levels, acknowledged as symbols of transparency in the nonprofit sector, are displayed on all updated participants’ profiles in the GuideStar database.
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