Rare LIHS Gala Sponsor Opportunity
Long Island Housing Services celebrates 50th Anniversary of the Fair Housing Act
LIHS will also honor trailblazing leaders in the field of Fair Housing including LIHS Executive Director Emeritus Michelle Santantonio, who served LIHS as Executive Director from 1999-2017. (more…)
Gala honoring Michelle Santantonio 10/3/18
Long Island Housing Services (LIHS) invites you to join us on October 3, 2018 in celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Fair Housing Act and honoring Michelle Santantonio. (more)
LIHS ED Wilder on WCNY
LIHS joins NFHA in upholding Civil Rights when faced with Racism
Statement From the National Fair Housing Alliance Concerning the Violence in Charlottesville, Virginia
Dr. Carson must address Severe Economic Injury to Communities of Color: NFHA
The National Fair Housing Alliance strongly urges Dr. Ben Carson, in his new role as Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), to tackle immediately the many critical housing challenges that our country faces. Many of these are a legacy of the financial and foreclosure crises which disproportionately impacted America’s communities of color. These communities have yet to recover. Housing inequality has had a devastating effect on individuals, communities and businesses and HUD plays a pivotal role in eliminating this inequality. (more…)
NFHA on Dr. Carson’s testimony for HUD Secretary
National Fair Housing Alliance Statement on the Hearing and Testimony of Dr. Ben Carson, Secretary-Designate for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
The fair housing community is more hopeful today about U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development‘s (HUD’s) continued support of fair housing after hearing the testimony of Dr. Ben Carson before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. Prior to today’s testimony, Dr. Carson had expressed views that seemed to disparage the disparate impact doctrine and the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing provision of the Fair Housing Act, two fundamental elements of fair housing law. Those views left many wondering if he would be willing to fully enforce the Fair Housing Act. (more…)
HUD charges Bank of America with Discriminatory Lending Practices
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced that it has charged Bank of America, N.A., and two of its employees with violating the Fair Housing Act by discriminatory lending practices against prospective Hispanic mortgage borrowers in Charleston, South Carolina. (more…)
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