Nassau County Housing Survey
The Nassau County Office of Community Development is in the process of preparing the Nassau County Five-Year Consolidated Plan for the period 2020-2024 and the 2020 Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice. (more…)
Call Congress on the Fair Housing funding gap for Long Island
Fair Housing for Persons with Disabilities video
Long Island Housing Services 50th Anniversary Retrospective
50th anniversary Gala video, photos, and journal
What is Fair Housing? video
Brookhaven Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing 5/7/19
Fair Housing Discussion 4/30/19
Tuesday, April 30th from 10am-1pm. Attend a discussion with the New York State Division of Human Rights on protections against discrimination in housing. This event is FREE and open to the public at St. Joseph’s College Auditorium, 155 West Roe Blvd., Patchogue, NY 11772. RSVP: or 718-741-8301. (more…)
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