What did W.D. say about Carmen?

As I wrote previously, I often write to you about Long Island Housing Services‘ civil rights work fighting housing discrimination, as chronicled in the media stories. 

Our work also includes overcoming housing insecurity on other fronts. I wanted to tell you what a client who preferred to be called W.D. had to say about LIHS Housing Counselor Carmen Land-Wilson who helped secure a $95,000 grant from the now-closed Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF):

I did not know that HAF existed. Somehow, though Google efforts, I discovered LIHS and Carmen Land-Wilson. Only days before it was established and accepting applications.  Carmen suggested to me to apply, Jan. 3, 2022 the first 2 hours it was activated for public service. Carmen walked me through the process giving myself a very positive and comforting feeling. Indeed I definitely had an ADVOCATE watching my back. After working together for 14 months and many, many docs, the whole thing came through with the max benefit.  God bless Ms. Carmen Land-Wilson!


If you have questions about dealing with your mortgage , please contact us to speak with one of our HUD-certified Housing Counselors.

Contributions from Long Islanders like you help our Long Island neighbors, like W.D., assert their rights.


Ian Wilder, Esq.
Executive Director
631-567-5111 ext. 314

P.S. Every monthly recurring donor will receive a limited-edition LIHS Fair Housing Month 2023 tote bag.Long Island Housing Services 2023 Fair Housing Month Tote