News & Events

50th anniversary Gala video, photos, and journal

Nassau County Executive Laura Curran speaking with Long Island Housing Services Executive Director Ian Wilder and Board President Connie LassandroCounty Executive Laura Curran speaking with Long island Housing Services Executive Director Ian Wilder and Board President Connie Lassandro
Nassau County Executive Laura Curran speaking with Long Island Housing Services Executive Director Ian Wilder and Board President Connie Lassandro



Arrestees Fair Housing Protections

Effective July 11, 2019, prior arrest protections were extended to housing.


Join statewide Day of Action Thursday Oct 10th

LIHS Joins other NYS Civil Rights groups opposing
HUD’s undermining of the Disparate Impact Rule


Source of Income Housing Discrimination Protections

The New York State Human Rights Law was amended, effective April 12, 2019, to protect those who rely on any lawful source of income from discrimination in housing. (more…)

Strongly oppose the Deactivation of the Disparate Impact Rule

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) just moved to essentially nullify the Disparate Impact Rule by dismantling a 45-year-old precedent which provides time-tested protection against housing discrimination. The proposed dis-regulation would dramatically weaken disparate impact liability under the Fair Housing Act. (more…)

NY passes Gender Identity or Expression Fair Housing Protections

As of January 25, 2019, the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA) added gender identity or expression as a protected category under the New York State Human Rights Law.  (more…)

Sponsor LIHS’ 50th Anniv Gala on 10/2/19

You are invited to to join us in celebrating 50 years since the founding of Long Island Housing Services, Inc. Sponsor or buy tickets!


HUD Offers $150 Million to Provide Affordable Housing to People with Disabilities

Funding expected to help approximately 18,000 non-elderly persons with disabilities


Transforming Public Housing into Book-Rich Environments Reaches One Million Books

WASHINGTON – In just its third year, a national campaign to promote literacy and a life-long love of reading has distributed one million books to children living in public housing. The Book-Rich Environments Initiative (BRE) is a collaboration aimed to transform public housing authorities (PHAs) into book-rich environments by providing diverse, high quality books and other literacy tools to children and families living in HUD-assisted housing (more…)

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