News & Events

Residential segregation is the bedrock of the inequalities we see.

Statement from NFHA President and CEO, Lisa Rice,
on Nationwide Protests against Police Brutality and Racial Injustice


Housing Discrimination based on Coronavirus

If you believe that you have been discriminated against because of a perceived connection between your race, national origin, or disability and the novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, please contact Long Island Housing Services at 631-567-5111 ext. 375 or to speak to a trained Fair Housing Investigator. (more…)

Poll on COVID-19 and Housing

NYS can help homeowners — and save money

Update: Thank you Governor Cuomo, Attorney General James, Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie for fully funding the Homeowner Protection Program (HOPP) in the proposed New York State budget..  New York homeowners will particularly need the assistance of experienced Housing Counselors and  Attorneys in dealing with the aftermath of COVID-19 on their ability to pay their mortgages. (more…)

LIHS Office closed to visitors plus Housing Updates

Our office is closed to visitors, and our services may be modified until further notice. (more…)

United Way LI $11,000 Grant

Trish Rivers UWLI and Ian Wilder LIHS
Trish Rivers UWLI and Ian Wilder LIHS

Long Island Housing Services Receives $11,000 Grant Award from United Way of Long Island to Support Fair Housing. (more…)

Fair Housing Test Coordinator opening

The Fair Housing Test Coordinator will be responsible for assisting in developing and implementing Long Island Housing Services’  fair housing enforcement activities in conjunction with other Fair Housing Program staff. The Coordinator will report directly to and be supervised by the Deputy Director or designated staff. Experience in analysis, research, investigation, public presentations, banking/lending and conducting training. Bilingual Spanish-English skills are required. Salary $42,250 and generous benefits. (more…)

Lending Discrimination under the Fair Housing Act

This is the sixth, and final, video in a series about Fair Housing Rights. This video includes information about U.S. government, New York State, Suffolk County and Suffolk County Fair Housing rights in Lending. (more…)

Advertising Discrimination under the Fair Housing Act video


Fair Housing Prohibited Practices Overview


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