Bay Shore Apartment Settles Source of Income and Disability Discrimination Complaints

Long Island Housing Services, Inc. (LIHS) initiated an investigation in 2019 based on an allegation of discrimination from Suffolk Independent Living Organization (SILO) that Brook Garden Apartments was not accepting prospective renters with Housing Vouchers. (more…)

Fair Housing Test Coordinator opening

The Fair Housing Test Coordinator will be responsible for assisting in developing and implementing Long Island Housing Services’  fair housing enforcement activities in conjunction with other Fair Housing Program staff. The Coordinator will report directly to and be supervised by the Deputy Director or designated staff. Experience in analysis, research, investigation, public presentations, banking/lending and conducting training. Bilingual Spanish-English skills are required. Salary $42,250 and generous benefits. (more…)

Lending Discrimination under the Fair Housing Act

This is the sixth, and final, video in a series about Fair Housing Rights. This video includes information about U.S. government, New York State, Suffolk County and Suffolk County Fair Housing rights in Lending. (more…)

Fair Housing for Persons with Disabilities video


Long Island Housing Services 50th Anniversary Retrospective


50th anniversary Gala video, photos, and journal

Nassau County Executive Laura Curran speaking with Long Island Housing Services Executive Director Ian Wilder and Board President Connie LassandroCounty Executive Laura Curran speaking with Long island Housing Services Executive Director Ian Wilder and Board President Connie Lassandro
Nassau County Executive Laura Curran speaking with Long Island Housing Services Executive Director Ian Wilder and Board President Connie Lassandro



Join statewide Day of Action Thursday Oct 10th

LIHS Joins other NYS Civil Rights groups opposing
HUD’s undermining of the Disparate Impact Rule


Source of Income Housing Discrimination Protections

The New York State Human Rights Law was amended, effective April 12, 2019, to protect those who rely on any lawful source of income from discrimination in housing. (more…)

Sponsor LIHS’ 50th Anniv Gala on 10/2/19

You are invited to to join us in celebrating 50 years since the founding of Long Island Housing Services, Inc. Sponsor or buy tickets!


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