HUD and DOJ launch Public Awareness campaign against Sexual Harassment in Housing
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) today released a public service announcement (PSA) to raise awareness of housing-related sexual harassment and to reach persons who are victimized by it. (more…)
Fair Housing Accessibility Design & Construction Training 4/24/18
…as part of a month of events celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Fair Housing Act. Sign up here. (more…)
Wilder and Reid named as LIHS Directors
The Board of Directors of Long Island Housing Services, Inc. is pleased to announce the selection of Ian Wilder, Esq. as its new Executive Director and Marian D. Reid as the Deputy Director. (more…)
Increasing Tenant Protections against Disability and Source of Income Discrimination at Bi-county Landlord
Long Island Housing Services, Inc. today announced a settlement agreement that requires a Long Island landlord to adopt a written policy of non-discrimination and policies for reasonable accommodations for persons with disability with service animals and emotional support animals, along with providing fair housing training to its staff. (more…)
“Is there anyone . . . advocating on your behalf…?”
“Long Island Housing Services. They’ve been advocating for me and they’ve been assisting me,
and right now I have a three bedroom voucher…. ” (more…)
Today’s the Day. This #GivingTuesday, LI Fight Back.
In a #MeToo World, Long Island Housing Services Is Your Ally
Join the fight for Civil Rights on LI for #Giving Tuesday
Administrative Assistant Position Opening at LIHS
Long Island Housing Services, Inc. seeks to fill an immediate vacancy for ONE (1) part-time, 6-month position for an Administrative Assistant. Bi-lingual, fluent Spanish-English speaking/written skills are a plus. Experience helpful. Hours will be scheduled flexibly, but within a M-F, 9 – 5 work week. (more…)
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